Welcome to my post for the Get Wicked With Entangled Blog Hop ! Today I'd like to share an excerpt from a new Paranormal WIP...it is also a piece that i entered into a flash fiction contest that won. It was originally written just for the flash fiction but i liked it so well i've decided to continue with it, into at least novella size. “ Please go away, I promise I’ll never hurt you. I just came here for peace and quiet.” After hearing a ruckus outside, Piper stood in the doorway of her mountain hideaway, not seeing a thing through the darkness of night and trees but knowing something was there. For days she’d been leery to go outside the cabin, afraid of the howling sounds invading her private cove hidden among the monstrous pines. Sleep evaded her the last three nights as the wolf echoes came closer and closer. At times, the low growling was so near it gave her the chills. It couldn’t be, but Piper swore the wolf had been right below her window.